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Dangerous Goods ​ ​ Form

Form to be completed for the declaration of dangerous goods. The file is in Microsoft Excel format.


Packaging Group​

With the Packing groups the degree of danger of the transported substance is identified.​

Packing Groups are used for dangerous goods belonging to classes 3, 4, division 5.1, 6.1 and classes 8 and 9.

Identification of dangerous goods

Dangerous goods are assigned a UN (United Nations) number and Proper Shipping Names according to their hazard classification and composition.

Commonly transported dangerous goods are listed in the List of Dangerous Goods in paragraph 3.2 of the IMDG CODE (publication by the IMO). When a dangerous good is specifically listed by name, it must be identified during the transport phase from the Proper Shipping Name found in column (2) of list 3.2. In the case of dangerous goods not specifically listed by name, “generic ” or “not otherwise specified ” names must be used, these names are found in both paragraph 3.2 together with all generic names or in Appendix A where they are divided by class and therefore by type.

In list 3.2 we can recognize four different types of names:

  • single entries, when the good name identifies the substance or article as: UN 1090 Acetonegeneric entries,
  • when the good name identifies a group as: UN 1133 Adhesivesspecific nos entries, when
  • the name identifies a group of substances of a particular nature chemical or technical such as: UN 1987 Alcohols, nosgeneral entries, when the name
  • identifies the type of hazard as: UN 1993 Flammable liquid, nos
Packing Group
Gradi di Pericolosità
Grande Pericolosità
Media Pericolosità
Piccola Pericolosità

Shipping procedures / labeling


Each package containing dangerous goods must be marked with the UN number and the Proper Shipping Name of all dangerous goods contained therein.


The marking must be affixed to two opposite sides.


For special markings for radioactive materials, reference must instead be made to a different supplementary legislation.

Furthermore, in the case of packages containing goods considered to be maritime pollutants (MARINE

POLLUTANT), the appropriate mark shown in the IMO manual at point must also appear.


On each package containing dangerous goods, at least one danger label must appear indicating the main danger, any subsidiary risks listed in column 4 of the Dangerous Goods List (Chapter 3.2 of the IMO manual), and in some cases any risks subsidiaries indicated in column 6 of the DGL relating to Special Provisions.


Attention: in some cases the package containing dangerous goods is exempt from labeling but only requires a marking indicating the class. In this case, the special provision helps. Eg UN 1374 and Special provision 29.

If packages contain radioactive materials, they must have two danger labels on opposite sides.

Danger labels must be at least 10 x10 cm square in size at a 45 ° angle.

It is allowed to use smaller labels only to label cylinders containing class 2 gas. In this case the labels must be placed on the non-cylindrical part of the cylinders (shoulder).

The labels must be of such quality that they can withstand immersion in water for at least three months.


A transport unit containing dangerous goods or residues of it must report:

  • a danger label on each side and one at each end of the CTU, semi-trailer or mobile tank;
  • at least one on each side for a railway
  • wagon; on each side in correspondence with the relative compartments in the case of a multi-compartment tank containing plus a dangerous substance or their
  • residues; on both sides and on the back of the unit in the case of any other
  • transport unit. in paragraph special conditions for the labeling of transport unit with class 7, labels for transport
  • units must have a minimum size of 250x250mm.

positioning of
labels on maritime container

label positioning
on railway wagon

positioning of labels on trucks

Marking of the transport unit (5.3.2)



Proper Shipping Name of the substances contained within the transport unit must be marked on both sides of: a tank

containing dangerous goods; a transport

unit containing dangerous goods in bulk; Any other unit

of transport containing dangerous goods of a single packaged type for which no hazard labeling or 'marine pollutant ' marking is required.


Except for class 1, the UN number must be shown in the case of transport of: solids,


  • or gases transported in a tank, including each compartment of a multiple-compartment tank; dangerous goods in
  • packages of a single UN number when the limit of 4000 kg in gross weight is exceeded; unpackaged LSA-I or
  • SCO-I class 7 materials placed inside a vehicle, container or tank; radioactive materials of a single UN number
  • for exclusive use inside of a vehicle or in a container; transport units containing dangerous goods in bulk;
  • The UN number must appear in black numbers


least 65 mm high: on a white background in the lower half of the label, or on a orange rectangular panel at

least 120mm high and 300mm wide, with a black border of 10mm. The UN number will be placed near the PSN.

Paragraph shows examples of how to report UN numbers.

Particular indications they are needed in the case of transport of liquid

or solid materials at high temperatures ( or in the case of substances considered 'marine pollutant ' (


Transport units containing dangerous goods in limited quantities do not need to carry the danger labels. In any case, they must carry the writing on the outside: “LIMITED QUANTITIES ” or “LTD QTY ” not less than 65mm high.


  • The transport document for dangerous goods must contain the following information for each article, material or dangerous substance offered for transport: the
  • UN number preceded by the letters
  • “UN ”; the
  • Proper Shipping Name; the class or, when assigned, the division of goods. In the case of class 1 the letter of the compatibility group must also appear. In the case of subsidiary risk it must appear immediately after the indication of
  • the hazard class written in brackets; when assigned, the packing group which
  • may be preceded by “PG ”; eThe number of packages, the type of packaging, the total quantity of dangerous goods covered by the description (in volume or mass and, in the case of class 1 goods, the net mass of the content);


The following exact order must be respected: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 2, 3, 1, 4. Unless indicated in the IMO manual, any other information must be placed after the description of the goods.


The Proper Shipping Name must be completed as follows:

  • from the technical name in the case of items “n.os ” and other generic descriptions: the obligation is triggered if the Special provision appears in column 6
  • of table 3.2 274; in the case of empty packaging and tanks that still contain residues of dangerous substances, except for class 7, the following must appear: “EMPTY UNCLEANED ” or “ RESIDUE
  • LAST CONTAINED ” inserted before or after the PSN; in the case
  • of waste the word “WASTE ” must be reported before the PSN in the case of transport of material at high temperatures (higher than 100 °C if liquid, 240 °C if solid) the word “HOT ”
  • must appear unless in the PSN there is already no indication
  • of its status (e.g. “ELEVATED TEMPERATURE ” or “MOLTEN ”); in the case of marine pollutants, the identification of the goods as: “MARINE POLLUTANT ”; in the case here the substances transported ab if a flashpoint equal to or less than 61 °C this data must be indicated;


ALLYL ALCOHOL, 6.1 (3), UN 1098, I, (21 °C c.c.) or UN 1098, ALLYL ALCOHOL, 6.1 (3), I, (21 °C c.c.)


Except for empty uncleaned packaging, the total quantity for each single UN, PSN or PG number must be reported on the document. In the case of class 1, the net quantity must appear.


When packages containing dangerous goods are placed inside a freight transport unit, such as a container or road vehicle, whoever is responsible for preparing the unit must provide a "Container / vehicle packing certificate" specifying the identification number of the unit and certifying that the unit preparation operation took place in accordance with the following conditions:

  • the unit was clean, dry and suitable for loading;
  • no goods have been loaded together that need to be segregated, unless approved by the competent authority;
  • all packages were externally inspected and only those found in order were loaded; the drums were stowed upright, unless otherwise authorized by the competent authority;
  • furthermore, when necessary, all packages have been properly insured;
  • in the case of transport of bulk material (solid unpacked) the load has been appropriately distributed over the entire loading surface;
  • if the shipment includes Class 1 goods (except div. 4), the unit is eligible in accordance with clause the unit and all the packages it contains have been adequately marked and labeled;
  • if dry ice is used as a refrigerant, the following wording must be affixed to the door: "DANGEROUS CO2 (DRY ICE) INSIDE, VENTILATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE ENTERING"
  • you have the documentation required in 1 for each of the dangerous goods contained in the unit

Note: this certificate is not required for tanks

Classificazioni IMO


Please Note: New printed labels of IMO classes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are without text.
For maritime transport these goods, materials or articles are classified and further divided as follows


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